QUANG D. MA, D.O.Neurosurgeon (Board Certified)
Fellowship in Complex & Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

- Neurological Spine Fellowship, UCLA
July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 - Neurological Surgery Residency, 2009-2015
Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC)
Colton, California
- D.O. 2009
Western University of Health Sciences
College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific (COMP)
Pomona, California - B.S. Psychobiology, 2002
Cum luade
Departmental Honor’s Thesis
University California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Los Angeles, California
Professional Societies
- North American Spine Society, 2012-present
- California Association of Neurological Surgeons, 2011-present
- Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons California, 2011-present
- American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, 2009-present
- American Medical Association, 2013-2015
- American Osteopathic Association, 2005-present
- Society for Neuroscience, 2001-2004
- Golden Key Honor Society, 2000-2002
Honors & Awards
- Resident of the Year, Neurosurgery, ARMC 2015
- Gross Anatomy Facilitation, COMP, 2005
- National Institutes of Health Intramural Research Training Award (IRTA), 2002
- Life Sciences Honor’s Academic Award, UCLA, 2002
- Departmental Honors in Psychology, UCLA, 2002
- Garcia Education Award, Princeton Review, 2001
- Provost Honor’s List, UCLA, Fall 1999, Winter 2000, Winter 2002, Spring 2002
- Ma Q.D., Somlo G., Chen M. Book Chapter. Plasmacytoma and Multiple Myeloma. Spine and Spinal Cord Tumors: Advanced Management and Operative Techniques by R. Jandial, S. Boriani, & C. Ames . 2013
- Cabanne M.B., Ma Q.D., Mecum L., Jandial R., Siddiqi J.S., Chen M.Y. Prevalence of Hepatitis B and C in Patients with Meningioma and Glioblastoma Multiforme. Oncology Letters 5:783-786, 2013
- Ma Q.D., Grimm K., Pas B., Maghami E. Transoral Surgical Approach for Retropharyngeal Node Involvement in I-131-Negative 18-flouro-2-deoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography-Positive Recurrent Thyroid Cancer. Skull Base 2009 Nov 6(19): 431-436
- Quinn J.J., Ma Q.D., Tinsley M.R., Fanselow M.S. Dorsal hippocampus involvement in delay fear conditioning depends on strength of tone-foot shock association . Learn Mem. 2008 Apr 25;15(5):368-72. PMID: 18441294
- Quinn J.J., Ma Q.D., Tinsley M.R., Anderson D.J., Koch C., Fanselow M.S. Inverse temporal contributions of the dorsal hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex to the expression of long-term fear memories . Hippocampus. 2008 Feb 27;18(7):640-54. PMID: 18306286
- Quinn J.J., Loya F., Ma Q.D., Fanselow M.S. Dorsal hippocampus NMDA receptors differentially mediate trace and contextual fear conditioning .
- Hippocampus. 2005 Jun 15;15(5):665-74. PMID: 15959918
- Chen J, Lipska B.K., Halim N, Ma Q.D., Matsumoto M., Melhem S., Kolachana B.S., Hyde TM, Herman MM, Apud J, Egan MF, Kleinman JE, Weinberger DR. Functional analysis of genetic variation in catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT): effects on mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity in postmortem human brain.
Am J Hum Genet. 2004 Nov;75(5):807-21. Epub 2004 Sep 27. Erratum in: Am J Hum Genet. 2005 Jun;76(6):1089. PMID: 15457404
Published Abstracts/Conference Presentations
- Ma Q.D., Chen J., Pickel J., Lipska B.K., Egan M.F., Lu B., Weinberger D.R. (2003). The Development of Inducible and siRNA Transgenic Mice for Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor; A Gene Implicated in Psychosis
Presented at: Society for Neuroscience - Chen J., Ma Q.D., Matsumoto M., Lipska B.K., Halim N.D., Kolachana B.S., Hyde T.M., Weickert C.S., Apud J., Egan M.F., Kleinman J.E., Weinberger D.R. (2003). Functional Consequences of Evolutional Mutations in the Cathechol-O-Methyltransferase Gene; A Schizophrenia Susceptibility Gene.
Presented at Society for Neuroscience - Chen J., Lipska B.K., Ma Q.D., Pickel J.M., Kolachana B.S., Egan M.F., Lu B., Wienberger D.R. (2002). Development of Inducible Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Met and Val Transgenic Mice.
Presented at: American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Conference - Ma Q.D., Quinn J.J., Fanselow M.S. (2002). The Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor, Tranylcypromine Enhances Contextual, Trace and Delay Fear Conditioning.
Presented at: Society for Neuroscience Conference - Ma Q.D., Quinn J.J., Fanselow M.S. (2001). The Effects of Scopolamine on Trace Fear Conditioning.
Presented at: UCLA Psychology Research Conference, Stanford Research Conference
Professional Experience
- Resident Research, Posterior only approach for traumatic thoracolumbar spine fractures, ARMC 2014-current
Supervised by Dan Miulli, D.O. - Resident Research, Predictors of success in bedside drainage of chronic subdural hematomas, ARMC 2014-current
Supervised by Javed Siddiqi, M.D, Ph.D. - Resident Research, Glioblastoma multiforme and infections, ARMC 2009-2013
Supervised by Javed Siddiqi M.D, Ph.D. - Faculty Directed Research, Glioblastoma multiforme and infections, City of Hope, 2009-2013
Supervised by Mike Chen M.D, Ph.D. - Biomedical Research Club, President, COMP 2005-2006
Supervised by James Martin, Ph.D. - Research Associate, UCLA, 2004
Supervised by J.D. Jentsch, Ph.D. - NIH Research Fellowship, National Institutes of Mental Health/Clinical Brain Disorders Branch, 2002-2003
Supervised by Jingshan Chen, M.D., Ph.D. & Daniel R. Weinberger, M.D. - Honors Thesis, UCLA, 2001-2002
Supervised by Jackson Beatty, Ph.D./Michael S. Fanselow, Ph.D. - Faculty Directed Research, UCLA, 2000-2002
Supervised by Michael S. Fanselow, Ph.D.
- Clinical Instructor, Neurosurgery, UCLA 2015-present
Supervised by Langston Holly, M.D. - Head and Neck Anatomy Facilitation, COMP 2011, 2012
Supervised by Dan E Miulli, D.O. - Gross Anatomy Facilitation, COMP, Fall 2005, Summer 2006
Supervised by Craig Kuehn, Ph.D. - Teaching Assistant, UCLA, 2000-2001
Supervised by Roger Bohman, Ph.D. - Mathematics/Biology Tutor, College of the Canyons, 1997-1999
- AOA House of Delegates, Representative 2011
Supervised by Dan Miulli, D.O. - Department of Family Medicine, COMP, 2005, 2006
Supervised by Alan Cundari, D.O. - Pomona Community Health Action Team, COMP, 2005, 2006
Supervised by Rubin Lin, D.O. - UCLA Mobile Clinic, UCLA, Fall 2001
Supervised by Koy Parada, Ph.D. - Department of Emergency Medicine, LA County USC Hospital, Summer 1999
Supervised by Sharon J. Richard
- Research Assistant II, UCLA, 2001-2002, 2003-2004
Supervised by Michael S. Fanselow, Ph.D. - Hospital Assistant I, UCLA Center for Health Sciences, 1999-2000
Supervised by Joanne Young